Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cara Memasang Instensedebate

Ok slamat malam y sekarang jam 8:09 PM..
langsung aza..

-Login ke blogger di
-lalu klik design (oh y ini pake widget installation bukan template installation)
-kan ada submenu pilih comment
-ganti post defaulte ke "new post do not have comment"
-(oh y lupa ke dulu wadoh!)
-pilih " on all post pada instensedebate"
-Step last copas aj ah dari instensedebate Last step! All you need to do now is add the widget to your blog. The button below takes you to Blogger, where you'll need to login to insert Intense Debate Comments under the blog post (it sounds harder than it is!).
Add Intense Debate to my blog

oh y klo ada apa2 silahkan comment terlebih dulu daftar dalam
ya Bye2 !